Data Download
We are pleased to provide access to the dataset used in our study, which encompasses detailed information extracted from over 44,000 economics working papers.
Dataset Overview
Papers: Approximately 45,000 working papers from NBER and CEPR (1980–2023).
Causal Claims: Over 250,000 causal claims extracted from the papers.
Data Structure:
Paper-Level Data: Includes metadata such as authors, titles, publication years, fields of study, empirical methods used, data accessibility, and measures of causal narrative complexity.
Causal Claim-Level Data: Details on each causal claim within a paper, including cause and effect variables, types of causal relationships, methods used to establish causality, and mappings to JEL codes.
Using the data
This work is licensed under an Apache License 2.0 [LICENSE}. The following paper has to be cited in all publications that make use of or refer in any kind to the files provided:
Garg, P. & Fetzer, T. (2024), Causal Claims in Economics. Download Paper
We also kindly ask researchers using this to send us their paper, or a link to their paper. We will continuously upload or add links to these papers to inform the research community about ongoing progress and related work.
Access the data
We are making the full dataset available for download:
Download Link: [to be made available by early 2025. For early access, fill the form below]
Data Use Guidelines
Academic Use: The dataset is intended for academic research. For non-academic use, please ask for our consent.
Citation Requirement: Please cite our paper when using the data. Suggested citation:
Garg, P. & Fetzer, T., 2025. Causal Claims in Economics. arXiv preprint, [online] Available at:
Informing Us: We kindly ask researchers using the dataset to send us their paper or a link to their work. We will continuously update our platform to inform the research community about ongoing progress and related work.
We look forward to seeing how our dataset contributes to new insights and advancements in economic research.
Stay Updated and Request More Detailed Data
We are continuously updating the dataset with new features and refinements. If you are interested in:
Receiving Updates: Being notified about any updates to the data, including more paper-level, author-level, and paper graph-level features.
Accessing More Detailed Data: Discussing potential use cases
Collaboration ideas: This is our first of many papers. We are looking for interested collaborators. Please feel free to reach out.
Press Inquiries: Requesting information for media purposes.
Please fill out the form below or contact us directly.
Access Request and Updates Form. Fill out the form below or via this link:
Alternatively, you can email us at